Demonstration of how to apply silicone to a waterless litho plate.
A few tips for applying the silicone mix
Make the mix a 'pouring cream' consistency by adding odourless solvent to the silicone, stir well.
Keep the lid on the mix to prevent it 'curing'.
Work lightly and spread the mix to cover the plate. Make sure you cover the edges.
Turn the roll over and polish lightly until there are no streaks.
Discard the length of paper you used.
Repeat the process.
Make sure the lid is on the mix when you are not using it.
The unused mix will keep for days in the fridge, great idea in hot weather when it tends to cure fast.
Make it a rule to have an 'edge' of at least 1" or 2.5cm to hang onto when applying the mix. Cut this edge off with scissors or a paper guillotine before you print.
Keep all the toilet paper you used during the process in a separate bin to recycle for cleaning up around the studio - let it cure a day or so first.